Home Moore Tarot Added Symbolism Meaning

Added Symbolism Meaning



1. THE MAGICIAN – The Hummingbird: Hummingbirds are said to be messengers. They also bring good luck. You can manifest your desires just like a magician if you reach into your hat and pluck. Just be careful what you are reaching for because shiny things can still be duds. Follow your intuition, believe in love, and trust in the divine. Before you know it, your manifestations will come true if you give them time.
2. THE HIGH PRIESTESS – The Eye of Providence and The Ajna Symbol: The Eye of Providence symbolizes God is watching and the Ajna symbol is your Third Eye. One reminds you God sees things and the other is your intuitive mind. Remember you can trust them both: your intuition and the divine.
3. THE EMPRESS – The Orchid: Orchids symbolize positive things such as love, beauty, and humility. These things come in handy when nurturing your creativity. They also are recommended when it comes to your fertility. Combine them all and let them grow and success will find you easily.
4. THE EMPEROR – The Meteor: Meteor showers don’t bring May flowers, but they do bring love and light. They are a connection to the spiritual world and symbolize things going right. You are on top of things, have self-control, and luck is on your side. Yet even though things seem in control stay connected to the divine.
5. THE HIEROPHANT – The Tortoise: Tortoises symbolize protection, longevity, strength, and grace. Their will to strive and enduring nature will help them win the race. That pesky hare will never fare because of its arrogance. Things may seem traditional but not all traditions are that bad. Continue forward traditionally, and surely, you’ll be glad.
6. THE LOVERS – The Deer: Deer symbolize several things such as gentleness, elegance, and grace. They also represent supernatural connections, power, and heroic quests. When approaching love, being graceful and elegant may seem best, just remember to be gentle as you approach your heroic quest. Use your intuition, accept guidance from the divine, and let love do all the rest.
7. THE CHARIOT – The Auriga Constellation: The Auriga constellation is also known as “The Charioteer.” It is associated with different things, but one thing is for sure, Auriga started as a goat herder and then became revered throughout the years. You are more than just the chariot you are a pioneer. Pick up your sword and keep pressing forward. You are the charioteer.
8. STRENGTH – The Eagle and The Taurus Constellation: Eagles symbolize strength and freedom and have a connection to the divine. They also represent protection and the all-seeing eye. The Taurus Constellation represents strength and fertility. You may have the strength you need for a triumphant victory. Just remember to trust the divine and approach things intuitively. Things will start to blossom as you move forward faithfully.
9. THE HERMIT – The Swan and The Squirrel: The swan symbolizes wisdom, and the squirrel represents preparation and the need for a positive mindset. Take the time to search within yourself for understanding and spiritual guidance. But positive thinking and preparation are things you should not forget.
10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE – The Antlia Constellation: The Antlia constellation symbolizes an “air pump” which represents creativity and innovation. An air pump also symbolizes the drive to understand the universe through scientific exploration. Still, as much as science knows, the universe keeps on going. You can keep trying to figure the universe out, just don’t let that stop you from growing.
11. JUSTICE – The Crow: Crows can symbolize different things, but they tend not to forget. Kill a crow in front of another and their community will hear of it. A murder of crows may swarm your house and cover it with, well, you get the gist. They will pass it down for generations because they perceive you as a threat. Sometimes justice may take a while, even though you want it to be swift. Karma tends to deal with things whenever it sees fit.
12. THE HANGED MAN – The Elephant: Elephants are a symbol of wisdom, power, and loyalty. They also represent intelligence, luck, and fertility. Try gaining new perspectives as you hang there waiting patiently. Surrender can be hard sometimes, but it’s good if done divinely. Just remember good things are sure to come after all that patient dangling.
13. DEATH – The Cygnus Constellation: The Cygnus constellation symbolizes transformation and rebirth. It is said to be the gateway to the afterlife once you leave this earth. Transformation and new beginnings are coming, and you must embrace your course. Just remember things can get better, they don’t always get worse.
14. TEMPERANCE – The Camel: Camels can be stubborn creatures with a willingness to serve. They symbolize humility and are able to endure. Moderation, peace, and patience are positive things for sure. Just remember to maintain balance as you continue to travel forward.
15. THE DEVIL – The Shooting Star: Shooting stars can symbolize good fortune, divine guidance, and a protective force. So, remember the divine is with you and will guide you on your course. Obsessions and addictions are terrible and sometimes you feel trapped. But even in the trying times, your guides have got your back.
16. THE TOWER – The Draco Constellation: In Greek mythology, Draco was killed while being loyal and rewarded by being placed in the sky. Draco is also compared to the serpent in the Garden who wants humanity to fry. Seeing the tower card is enough to make anyone cry. But just like Draco and humanity, even after the fall, you can still rise.
17. THE STAR –The Swan: Swans, often viewed as messengers of the gods, represent the awakening of oneself, inner beauty, and devotion. Some say they represent the soul’s eternal essence and spiritual evolution. However you may view them, they always seem to ignite a good emotion. Remember to continue to work on yourself as you move optimistically toward your future.
18. THE MOON – The Amethyst, Tiger’s Eye, and Jade Stones: Amethyst helps with intuition and tiger’s eye helps with grounding. Jade helps with other things like protection, good fortune, and healing. Sometimes things may not be as they appear, and some people may be deceiving. Using your intuition and staying grounded can help you recognize the things that are misleading. Doing so will protect you from different kinds of evil. Good fortune will come with exposing and revealing.
19. THE SUN – The Amethyst Crystal: Amethyst is the “divinity stone” that helps with spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, and intuition. It helps connect you to the divine as you journey on your mission. Like a horse carrying its rider, your spirituality will help you reach your ambitions. Good fortune is on its way. You are moving to something better.
20. JUDGEMENT – The Ghost: Ghosts may seem like spooky beings, but they have symbolic meanings. They can represent past trauma, vengeful thinking, and past hurts that may be lingering. The people on the other side know what you’ve been feeling. In given time things will be fine because judgment is surely coming.
21. THE WORLD – The Rhodonite and Citrine Crystals: Rhodonite is the “rescue stone” and symbolizes compassion, self-acceptance, and healing. Citrine helps with clarity, self-confidence, and fresh beginnings. They can both be helpful when one cycle is starting, and another one is ending. When moving forward in your life remember to be self-loving, if you are willing.
0. THE FOOL – The Owl: Owls are known for wisdom, but they symbolize intuition, embracing the unknown, and new beginnings too. Approaching new things intuitively will help you know what to do. Things will be okay even if the pathway seems askew. Trust in the divine as you venture into something new.



ACE OF SWORDS – The Dove: Doves can symbolize many things like peace, hope, and love. They give a sense of freedom as they fly around above. When your mind is cleared and you gain intellectual insight, remember to embrace those things as you take action to decide. Doing what’s right will bring delight to you and the divine.
2 OF SWORDS – The Wildebeest: A group of wildebeest is called a confusion which is perfect for this card. Still, wildebeest are adaptable and resilient when things get hard. But just because you can adapt doesn’t mean you should rush at full charge. So, whichever direction you choose to take, it’s okay to be on guard.
3 OF SWORDS – The Cat: At first, it may seem that the symbolism is lacking, but it’s not. Take a closer look because the cat is the center of this plot. She’s standing there in the cold rain, arms folded, and deep in thought. Cats can be curious creatures, but don’t stand there thinking too long or your prosperity could be lost. Decisions have consequences, some are good, and some come with a cost.
4 OF SWORDS – The Bear: Bears are seen as harmonious, and their strength and courage are great. Yet, regardless of how strong they are, they still must hibernate. It’s time for you to take a rest so you can rejuvenate. Doing so will bring balance and introspection which you’ve been missing as of late.
5 OF SWORDS – The Wolf: Wolves are instinctive creatures that represent adaptability, resilience, and loyalty. When troubles arise, you can overcome your struggles by using your intuition instinctively. By trusting in yourself and the divine you can face whatever life brings. Remembering those who were loyal is also a good thing.
6 OF SWORDS – The Caladrius: Some say the caladrius represents Christ and turning away from immoral things. It can mean taking a more righteous path when facing what life brings. The caladrius is also said to be a healer that can drive sickness away. Facing things with a loving heart could be a good way to start the day. You are moving away from trouble, and that is good news, my friend. Just remember to bring love and light to wherever you may land.
7 OF SWORDS – The Killdeer and The Fox: Killdeers are noisy, little birds that may represent death. They guard the rivers that souls pass through once they’re laid to rest. The fox is a sly, little creature that may be full of playfulness. They can also be tricksters and may symbolize cunningness. Sometimes people are deceitful and commit dishonest acts. It may be best to lay the situation to rest and move on with your life. You don’t have to forget or let things go, just move to the other side. Separate yourself from the fox and you will be alright.
8 OF SWORDS – The Nightingale: A nightingale’s song has been associated with mourning, but that same song is said to bring the comfort of springtime. A nightingale can symbolize love, transformation, and freedom. Sometimes we trap ourselves through limiting beliefs and negative thinking. A new perspective would be good when it comes to what we’re believing.
9 OF SWORDS – The Raven: Ravens have been associated with a loss and a bad omen. They can symbolize intelligence, secret-keeping, and transformation. When you are plagued by fear or full of doubt, sometimes anxiety sparks. Just remember that the raven was the first to leave the Ark. While others sat trapped in that boat the raven was set free. Your negative thoughts and worrisome fears won’t always come to be. Free your mind, you will be fine, just you wait and see.
10 OF SWORDS – The Nachtkrapp: The Nachtkrapp, sometimes called the Night Raven, is a scary, gigantic bird. It’s a creature that no one has probably seen but the stories are always heard. Staring in its eyeless sockets can be a deadly thing. Staring at its holey wings can be real sickening. They hunt at night, and what a fright, they feast on little kids. As scary as the stories may seem they are meant for good, my friend. Sometimes things are said or done to protect you in the end. As terrible as things may seem right now, a new day will begin.
PAGE OF SWORDS – The Kea: Keas are seen as a treasure, and they are guardians of the mountains. Their name was derived from the sound they make while flying around and shouting. They are known for their curiosity and their playful behavior. They are unafraid of humans and can perform different tricks well. As new ideas start to rise from your intellectual prowess, having a fresh perspective from a curious outlook might be the thing that is best. Be unafraid because you are brave, put your worries to rest.
KNIGHT OF SWORDS – The Hawk: Hawks can represent clear vision, rising above challenges, and intuition. Having a clear vision while using intuition as you move forward with a determined intention. Stay balanced and grounded as you swiftly press on. Keep your mind in the present, it’s where you belong.
QUEEN OF SWORDS – The Blue Jay: Blue jays are known for understanding, protection, and spiritual direction. They can symbolize strength and may represent communication. Intelligence and wisdom can help you make clear judgments. Trust the divine, use your mind, and access your discernment.
KING OF SWORDS – The Cardinal: Some say cardinals symbolize the blood of Christ and everlasting vitality. Others say they symbolize passion, devotion, and monogamy. Whichever one you feel is right is up to you to say. The card itself can represent intellectual power and authority. Just remember to be pure of heart and use power responsibly. Abuse of power turns people sour and brings catastrophe.


ACE OF WANDS – The Cow: Cows are revered in many cultures and compared to Mother Earth. They symbolize new beginnings, wealth, abundance, and even birth. Something may be hatching or in the process of being hatched. All you need to do is to have your creativity unlatched. With the strength of a cow, your ideas will be dispatched.
2 OF WANDS – The Spider: Spiders may be creepy, little crawlies, but they represent lots of things. They may symbolize being a teacher, creation, or patience and persistence for what life brings. So, when you are setting goals or creating something new, move forward with patience and persistence, and remember life’s teachings for what you plan to do.
3 OF WANDS – The Whale: Whales are explorers of the ocean. They pass through the waters of regeneration, death, and rebirth. They can be seen as keepers of history, a symbol of wisdom, and a balance between an opposing force. As you embark on your new venture remember where you came from, move wisely, and stay balanced as you travel on your course.
4 OF WANDS – The Meerkat: Meerkats have several meanings such as community, family values, and breaking free from emotional chains. They can also be a symbol of watchfulness and an attack that is about to come. So, cherish your times of joy and rejoice when you feel no pain. Remember to be grateful for all that has been done.
5 OF WANDS – The Falcon: In ancient Egypt, falcons were worshipped as the deity of war. They also represent freedom, victory, and power. They can symbolize salvation from the bondage of things that have us torn. Even though things may be rough right now, a new day will be born.
6 OF WANDS – The Crane: Cranes are often seen as a symbol of good fortune, longevity, and peace. So, good times are either here or coming. If you believe, then you will achieve and succeed. It’s time for you to reap your rewards, and the harvest will be sweet.
7 OF WANDS – The Woodpecker: Woodpeckers are determined, little birds that can be quite resourceful. They symbolize protection and can signify something is fertile. It may feel like you are at war now, but remember you are protected. The outcome will be worthwhile because of all that you’ve invested.
8 OF WANDS – The Kingfisher: Kingfishers are patient, little birds that are speedy and agile. They are fierce defenders of their homes and can represent spirit guides. They are lucky and successful and filled with intuition and love. You are moving forward quickly with guidance from above.
9 OF WANDS – The Badger: Badgers are a symbol of persistence and determination. With the willpower of a badger, you could surely rule the nation. Be strong and you will win with a little bit of patience. Your outcome will be deserving of a standing ovation.
10 OF WANDS – The Bee: Bees are always busy, working hard, and may get overwhelmed, but it’s those same bees that help the world go round. So, remember, when times get tough, you matter, regardless of how overwhelming things may feel.
PAGE OF WANDS – The Sparrow: Sparrows represent resilience, prosperity, and love from the divine. They also eat small pests that may pop up from time to time. Be strong, know that you are loved, and remember that even though things may get in the way sometimes God/the divine/your guardian angels/your spirit guides are on your side.
KNIGHT OF WANDS – The Beaver: Beavers are resourceful and filled with determination. They are also a symbol of creativity and creation. Good things are to come with a little bit of patience.
QUEEN OF WANDS – The Tiger: Tigers are independent and have a good sense of direction. They also symbolize good luck, courage, and protection. As you journey on your path, be courageous. Good luck is on your side, and you will be protected.
KING OF WANDS – The Thorny Devil: Thorny devils are small, innocent-looking creatures, but if you go poking at one you will surely prick your finger. They are also a reminder not to let unfinished tasks linger. You are strong, even if you may not appear to be that way sometimes, and that’s fine. Your inner strength is divine. Just remember not to let important things fall behind.


ACE OF CUPS – The Dove: Doves symbolize several things like a divine connection, purity, and love. Gifts or opportunities may be coming, and some are sent from above. Relationships may be growing, and love may come soon too. Just remember to be grateful for all that’s done for you.
2 OF CUPS – The Ladybug: The ladybug is widely known as a symbol of good luck. They may also be a good thing for someone who feels they are lovestruck. They are associated with love and romantic relations too. New beginnings may be on their way, and they’re headed straight for you.
3 OF CUPS – The Hedgehog: Hedgehogs are hardworking animals that are seen as family protectors. Those things can help when you have a sense of community and are bringing people together. Positive things and joyful times come with those you love. Blessings of emotional fulfillment will rain down from above.
4 OF CUPS – The Sloth: Sloths can get a bad rap sometimes; it started way back when. They have been associated with laziness and labeled a deadly sin. Still, even though they have those labels they symbolize good things. They represent being grounded, conservation, and patience. So, even though you feel discouraged and lack motivation, focus on the good you have and use that as inspiration.
5 OF CUPS – The Cuckoo: Cuckoos can symbolize adultery and other unlucky things, but they are also associated with the summer and the coming of spring. Things may seem at a loss right now and you may be feeling some negativity or regret, but there are still positive things available. That, you shouldn’t forget.
6 OF CUPS – The Robin: Robins symbolize happiness, rebirth, and good luck. They are also messengers carrying spiritual guidance from the departed ones you love. You may be having feelings of nostalgia and finding happiness from what your memories bring. Just remember your departed loved ones are eternal beings.
7 OF CUPS – The Columba Constellation: The Columba constellation represents a dove and can be seen as a symbol of hope. Your mind may be full of wishful thinking, but practical applications can help you grow. Get your head out of the clouds for a moment and meditate on all of your needs. Trust in the divine and you will be fine. Follow where your heart leads.
8 OF CUPS – The Cowbird: Cowbirds lay their eggs in other birds’ nests and then fly away. They also symbolize opportunism and survival. Just because you’ve invested in people or situations doesn’t mean you should stay. Staying in unfulfilling situations can be a taxing trial. Free yourself and fly away. Things have been disappointing for a while now. You will have the opportunity to find happiness another day. Sometimes it’s good to let go.
9 OF CUPS – The Dove and The Butterfly: The dove is a symbol of hope and love. The butterfly represents the appreciation of life’s small moments. Your dreams coming true were a gift from the divine above. So be grateful for your accomplishments. Continue to love and have hope in your dreams. You are capable of magnificent things.
10 OF CUPS – The Quokka: Quokkas are often seen as the happiest animal on Earth. Due to their facial structure, they’ve been permanently smiling since birth. So, during the good times, remember to rejoice. Be grateful and smile at the fulfillment of life. Gratitude is good to have when things go right.
PAGE OF CUPS – The Rabbit: Rabbits are considered lucky and can mean quick thinking and adaptability. They can also be tricksters and symbolize fertility and prosperity. With a little bit of cunningness and thinking positive things will blossom abundantly.
KNIGHT OF CUPS – The Eagle: Eagles are majestic birds that fly high up in the sky. Some say they deliver prayers to God when they hear your heart-filled cry. Being connected to your emotions and following your heart is just fine. But, when moving forward, speak out your words, and your words will come to life. Just remember to be grateful and to trust in the divine.
QUEEN OF CUPS – The Pelican and The Parrot: The pelican is a courageous creature that symbolizes regrowth and regeneration. Parrots can symbolize individuality, positive energy, and communication. These are great added features for someone who is kind, embodies love, and is filled with compassion. Spread your love courageously and give out positive energy. Doing so will be recognized, and karma will reward you generously. Certain things will regrow, and you will reap them happily.
KING OF CUPS – The Otter: Otters are resilient, playful, and have a strong sense of community. Combine those with kindness, understanding, and empathy and things will work out beautifully. Stay balanced as you deal with others and remain mature emotionally.


ACE OF PENTACLES – The Amethyst Crystal: Amethyst helps with intuition, manifestation, and connecting to the divine. It’s good to have around when new things are on your mind. Opportunities will arise and prosperity will come too. Connecting to the divine and manifesting can help those things come true.
2 OF PENTACLES – The Heron: Herons represent patience, good luck, and the ability to navigate. They work well alone as they fly around hunting for aquatic prey. Priorities may be piling up and making things hectic as of late. Remember to maintain balance as you travel forward day to day. Sometimes you have to juggle things, but with patience, things will turn out great.
3 OF PENTACLES – The Fluorite Crystal: Fluorite helps with mental order and improves clarity too. It helps you think more clearly when you’re figuring out what to do. Collaboration and teamwork can help when you’re learning something new. Using clear thinking while achieving your goals can definitely help you.
4 OF PENTACLES – The Bat: Bats are often looked down upon and may symbolize evil and fear. But they could also mean happiness and joy, so don’t be scared if you see one appear. They are known as “Guardians of the Night” and watch over darkness when it’s here. So, don’t get scared and grip tightly on things that you hold dear. Fear of loss doesn’t mean it’s coming. Things aren’t always that severe.
5 OF PENTACLES – The Penguin: Penguins are known around the world for being out in the cold. They live in harsh climates and waddle everywhere where they go. Regardless of their situation, they symbolize cooperation and reassurance too. So, remember to keep moving forward, no matter what you do. Seek help if you need it so you can make it through. Everyone has hard times. Sometimes you win; sometimes you lose.
6 OF PENTACLES – The Turkey: Turkeys represent thankfulness, prosperity, and harvest. Sometimes happiness from prosperity seems easy, but thankfulness is the hardest. Remember to be gracious and help those who need it. Use your intuition because some people can be deceiving.
7 OF PENTACLES – The California Gull: California gulls symbolize hope and perseverance. They also are a symbol of miraculous things happening. Being patient is paying off, soon things will start appearing. Consistency and dedication are followed by things that are rewarding.
8 OF PENTACLES – The Giraffe: Giraffes symbolize many things such as attaining the impossible and compassion. They are also said to be mediators with the other side and good with their intuition. Working hard will help you reach the goals that you desire. Use your intuition and connect to the divine when you’re trying to aspire.
9 OF PENTACLES – The Frog: Frogs represent cleansing, abundance, and harmony. They hop all over the place and have value economically. Achievements may come and stability too, just remember to have harmony in all that you do. Knowing your self-worth is obviously a good thing. Just don’t forget to do some spiritual cleansing.
10 OF PENTACLES – The Bison: Bison are social creatures that hang out in little cliques. One group is full of women and the other is full of men. But one thing they have in common is that they’re not friendly to humans. It’s good to be social with your family and close friends. Just remember not to push new people out unless they deserve it.
PAGE OF PENTACLES – The Bluebird: Bluebirds are a symbol of hope, positivity, and renewal. Seeing one of these birds can be like finding a precious jewel. Good news is to come, it’s heading your way. Keep a positive mindset. Don’t let hope fade away. A rebirth into good things may be here any day.
KNIGHT OF PENTACLES – The lamb: Lambs are often correlated with sacrifice, but they symbolize the elevation of the humble and a triumphant victory too. Remember this when you are striving to complete your goals and all that you pursue. You will complete what you start using a persistent approach. Just remember to stay humble when you do.
QUEEN OF PENTACLES – The Peacock: Peacocks have been associated with wealth and prosperity and their feathers look as if they’re covered with several evil eyes. You may be successful and even nurturing but sometimes people don’t want you to rise. Protect your energy, continue to be loving, and remember to be wise.
KING OF PENTACLES – The Lion and The Rabbit: The lion symbolizes courage, strength, and being a leader. The rabbit symbolizes abundance and can be a lucky, little creature. You may be a wealthy, mature, and well-established figure, but don’t let all that stuff cause your head to get bigger. Humility, respect, and kindness are things to remember. What you put out will always come back, so let your love flow like a river.